Introducing Hulk: The Biggest 175-Pound Pit Bull You’ll Ever Meet

By: Lydia Iseh | Published: Nov 06, 2023

Social media went bonkers when videos and pictures of a 175-pound pit bull surfaced online. His owners, Marlon and Lisa Grennan, founded the Dark Dynasty K9 Kennels (whose specialty is training protection dogs that can serve as pets for families.)

They introduced the Incredible Hulk to the world, and since then, he has been receiving widespread media attention. Following Hulk’s recent fame, there’s been public debates over the safety of pit bulls. Does Hulk shatter the misconceptions about this breed? Let’s find out!

Say Hello to Hulk

Hulk is an American pit bull terrier. At only 18 months old, Hulk weighs a hefty 175 pounds which is three times larger than average for his breed. He is supposedly the world’s largest dog and also a stud dog of Marlon and Lisa Grennan, a couple residing in the US state of New Hampshire with their three-year-old son, Jordan.


Source: Dark Dynasty K9s/Facebook

Trained to be a guard dog, Hulk has shown to be a sweet family dog and best friend to Jordan despite his intimidating size.


Hulk the Giant

Hulk was bred by Dark Dynasty K9s, a notorious backyard breeding operation. The pride and joy of Dark Dynasty, Hulk is a crossbred between the American pit bull and the English pit bull, both of which are large breeds.


Source: Dark Dynasty K9s/Facebook

While pit bulls are known for their big bones, Hulk is four times the weight of his regular counterparts. His sheer size is attributed to the combination of his genes and his protein-rich diet.

How Are Crossbreeds Made?

Like Hulk, crossbred dogs are also referred to as mixed breeds. What distinguishes them from other types of dogs is that they are usually born from parents of two different breeds. In other cases, they might be born from many generations of dogs that have diverse heritage. 


Source: Getty Images

Typically, the magic of crossbreeding results in a unique mix of traits and characters that the puppy gets from its parents. However, it is always vital to consider how a combination of traits can affect the puppy.

How Intimidating Does Hulk Look?

Hulk was born September 7,  2013, in Florida. The average size of a regular pit bull is 30-60 pounds. But this pooch gives the standard pit bull a run for its money.


Source: Instagram/Pinterest

Hulk’s gigantic head measures about 27 inches, about the size of a small horse. When he stands on his hind legs, his height can be compared to that of a tall human being.

A Cause for Concern

The American Pit Bull Terrier’s size makes most people worry, particularly because its 30-60 pound average isn’t healthy for any breed. According to veterinarians, their huge size can shorten their lifespan, interfere with their agility, and stress their joints.

Source: Encyclopedia Britannica

Surprisingly, these risk factors have not prevented Hulk from fathering his first litter of puppies. In fact, thanks to their daddy’s big-boned nature, the puppies are expected to grow as big as he.


Where Did Pit Bulls Come From?

Originally, pit bulls originated in the United Kingdom by breeding terriers and bulldogs. They were supposed to be strong enough to participate in extreme animal sports. However, by the early 20th century, people had found other uses for pit bulls aside from fighting.

Source: iStock Photos

Thankfully, the practice of these extreme sports has been outlawed even though some practice it in secret. Pit bulls are now used as hunters, drivers of livestock, guardians, and pet companions. Hulk is a protector and a great family companion.


The Pit Bull Myth, Debunked

Because of the intimidating size and fearlessness of pit bulls, they’ve garnered the reputation of being dangerous. Hulk’s awe-inspiring size seems to reinforce this idea of danger.

Source: Pinterest

However, Marlon disagrees with this statement. He believes that, “Because pit bulls are only in the media when bad things happen, this myth of them as monsters get perpetuated,” and added, “But it’s not true. They might not be for everyone, but under a good leader and with proper training, they make amazing family and work or protection dogs.”


More Misconceptions About Pit Bulls

More often than not, people always think that most dog-related incidents involve pit bulls. This is, in fact, wrong. 

Source: Imgur

Although there are incidents regarding pit bulls, dog bite statistics from the Humane Society show that most dog bites happen with dogs that are not neutered or spayed. In addition, more statistics show that 25 percent of fatal dog bites were inflicted by dogs that are chained and are of varying breeds. 


Pit Bulls Keep Danger Out

Hulk has been trained to be a protection dog. Protection dogs are breeds of dogs like German shepherds, rottweilers, and bullmastiffs, trained to guard and defend humans, homes, and livestock. 


“I want to emphasize that we breed and train dogs who come in stable,” Marlon says. “Our goal is to make these dogs fearless for the intimidation factor that protection dogs need to have, not for them to be uncontrolled and maul or bite anyone. That is improper training.”


From Zero to Hero: Hulk’s Public Debut

Sometime in 2015, the 175-pound pit won the hearts of many when a YouTube video of him enjoying family time surfaced. The clip showed that Hulk is a gentle giant who loves belly rubs, family snuggles, and tackling his handlers while practicing defense tactics.

Source: Beastly/YouTube

Marlon describes Hulk to be a wonderful, excellent-trained dog. Having complete trust in the giant pit bull, the owners believe he is a big softy who loves and protects.


About The Dark Dynasty K9 Kennels

Back in 2004, Marlon Grennan got the idea to establish the Dark Dynasty K9 (DDK9). It is family owned and run by Marlon and his wife, Lisa Grennan. The DDK9 establishment is built on 150 acres of land in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. 

Source: darkdynastyk9s/Instagram

Their brand is also known for training and breeding some of the best xl american pitbull terriers. Basically, they work to promote carefully raised puppies and well-trained dogs. In addition, they sell numerous types of gear for dogs.  


Controversy on Controversy

News about the incredible Hulk has been met with many issues. Many have debated whether the hefty pit bull is a product of the money-minting business of backyard aggressive dog-breeding or a well-trained dog who loves to reciprocate family love.

Source: Dark Dynasty K9s/Facebook

However, the online videos and pictures of Hulk with his owner’s son have shattered misconceptions about pit bulls. Hulk has proved time and time again that with the right training and care, the breed can be gentle dogs.


The Dangers of Backyard Aggressive Dog Breeding

On the other hand, reputable breeders pay attention to the well-being of the dogs and work to improve the breed. 

Source: Getty Images


It’s All About the Money

Hulk made even more waves with his controversial price tag. The pooch is worth $500,000 for his guarding skills and size. Dark Dynasty K9s has charged $20,000 for breeding Hulk and any other breeding services. 

Source: Pinterest

When Hulk’s eight litters of puppies were born, Marlon stated that they could be worth more than half a million dollars if trained as protection dogs. However, the owners have been criticized for charging outrageous fees for breeding services, their support for dog fighting, and other unethical practices.


Hefty Price Tag: What Do the Pups Cost?

Hulk is advertised by his owners as a purebred pit bull, and Dark Dynasty K9s claims to use special breeding techniques among their pits to achieve desired results. Hulk’s litter also increases his net value.

Source: Dark Dynasty K9s/Facebook

For his litter, the cost depends on if the buyer wants the puppy straight out or if they want it trained—one of his puppies cost about $30,000 straight up, but the selling price increases to around $55,000 per pup if they are to be trained as guard dogs.


Questionable Ownership Practices

The Animal Rescue Site has written about the dangers of breeding, especially when done for specific traits. The organization has quite a lot to say about the way Dark Dynasty K9s sells its animals and shows off their prowess.

Source: Dark Dynasty K9s/Facebook

Dark Dynasty K9s employ shock collars, choke chains, and other forms of restraints to train their designer dogs into the best security dogs. There is also much to say about the rich clientele they cater to.


Dog Fighting Concerns Resurface

Another raging concern about Hulk is how his breeders encourage dog fighting. Dark Dynasty uses violent means to antagonize its dogs into becoming the best security dogs.

Source: Pet Cube/Pinterest

These practices are likened to how underground dog fighting rings are operated. The animals make good examples of the target of underground rings. This makes the story of Hulk tragic, in addition to the considerable damage he may have.


Dangers of Dog Fighting

Dog fighting is a very dangerous activity that can seriously affect the participating dogs. It can lead to serious bruising, broken bones, as well a deep wounds. Dogs that are forced to perform in dog fighting can eventually die of exhaustion, blood loss, shock, dehydration, and even infections. 

Source: Getty Images

It is also important to mention that this can occur several hours or days after the fight. Dog fighting promotes violence and disregard for animal welfare.


Where is Hulk the Pitbull Now?

Contrary to the beliefs of many, Hulk is very much alive and in good health. He continues to work as a trainer and has fathered eight pit bull puppies. He continues to live in the kennel at his 150-acre home in New Hampshire.

Source: Dark Dynasty K9s/Facebook

A video of him being weighed has gained over twelve million views. “My hope is that we can stop ignorance and change people’s minds about Pit Bulls in a positive way with all this attention,” Marlon said.


Living the Good Life

Hulk is surely living the dream as a giant dog. He provides security for his family with his loud and powerful barks and doesn’t pass up on the chance to get belly rubs and give back rides.

Source: Dark Dynasty K9s/Facebook

This exceptional dog with a big heart has proven to be mild-mannered and continues to make everyone around him happy.
