Man Turns a Quadracycle into a Porsche Replica With nothing But Cardboard and PVC Pipes

By: Alec Donaldson | Last updated: Oct 31, 2023

Everyone has that dream object they desire but know it is probably out of their reach. Whether an expensive car or a mansion with butlers and servants, everyone has something that seems impossible to acquire.

That must be the same case with this fellow, but unlike most of us, the man decided to take matters into his own hands. Instead of waiting for the universe to manifest his deepest desires, our savvy engineer went above and beyond to create his dream car using simple tools.

The World's Most Ambitious Car Project

For many car enthusiasts, their dream is to own a fantastic machine built from the ground up. Of course this is a tedious process that takes years and a lot of financial muscle to achieve, but this fellow was ready for the action.


Source: pinterest

He had always wanted to own a Porsche, but the older he got, the more he realized he might not get his dream car. Yet, before all hope was lost, he decided to build himself one and had the perfect blueprint for making it happen.


Started From the Bottom

For the chassis, the ingenious creator went with this quadricycle. At first glance, the frame and wheels might have you thinking this is not ideal, but once you consider the size, it makes sense.


Source: Youtube

It is the perfect dimensions for a car, and it even had two test passengers to evaluate feasibility. This would be the perfect foundation for the dream machine if everything went according to plan. Even so, we wonder what this quadricycle was used for in the first place.

Coming up With a Template

The mechanic had to do some preliminary measurements for the body, and that is where the cardboard cutouts came in. These cutouts would serve as the template for their machine as they couldn’t go in free hand.


Source: Youtube

Every single millimeter mattered, as the goal was to be as close to the real thing as possible. Errors were not part of the package, so it’s no surprise they took the safe bet by making prototypes and cutouts first. Additionally, blueprints always come in handy when building something so ambitious.

A Detailed Piece of Work

It looks like the creator meant business, as he didn’t cheap out on the progress. The template was not a quick patch job but rather a full-fledged assembly. The cardboard cutouts were pretty detailed, from the outer frame to the inner linings, and it soon started looking like the finished product.


Source: Youtube

It would take a trained eye to see this was not a professional job considering how well everything has been put together. Had it not been for the bike’s wheels sticking out, you’d see this as a Porsche 911.

Onto the Real Deal

Once the groundwork was laid down properly, the main task commenced. The cardboard cutouts provided guidelines for laying the PVC pipes, which would give the car shape.

Source: Youtube

It sounds straightforward, but anyone who has worked with PVC knows the madness that can ensue. One wrong move and you have extra steps added to the work, or everything grinds to a halt. Plumbers know this stress too well and they can attest to the stress that comes with the material.


Held Together by the Power of Tape

As if working with PVC was not enough stress, the car’s designer decided to hold the pipes together with tape. Of course, this would add extra time and effort to the job, but it was a safer bet in case an error occurred.

Source: Youtube

Luckily, the job went better than expected, and there were little to no hiccups. Admittedly, it was a tedious process that took quite some time, but looking at the results, we must admit this was an amazing job, and the hassle was worth it.


Everything Is Coming Together

Just look at the rear end of this masterpiece. Would you believe if someone told you that the cardboard mashup from a few slides up would turn out like this? The attention to detail is simply breathtaking, and everything looks like it’s where it’s meant to be.

Source: Youtube

On the other hand, the tape and PVC have a certain aesthetic that makes us wonder if Porsche might consider such a design model in the future. Maybe not PVC and tape, but the mesh design has a charm.


From Back to Front

Even the front end looks impressive. The Bumper and the light fixtures are up to scale. The designer was so confident in their work they set a mini model next to their product, and we can all agree that this was a fantastic job.

Source: Youtube

Everything was coming together perfectly, and it was only a matter of time before we got the final masterpiece. If you have any doubts, we hope most of them are squashed by now. Even the janky wheels don’t stick out anymore.


Sorry Not Sorry Spoiler Ahead

They even managed to fit in a spoiler at the back for a more accurate look. These chaps didn’t spare any details. They redefine the term passion project!

Source: Youtube

At this juncture, it was time for the final touches, which involved sealing the whole body by covering it with tape. It’s sad to see the mesh design go, but we believe they know what they’re doing. That being said, their tape budget must have been enormous after all their work.


Don't Forget the Lights

Of course, you can’t have a Porsche without the iconic tail lights, and boy, did they deliver. The red lights look pretty sleek and fit perfectly in their slots. It’s almost like looking at a stripped-down version of the real thing.

Source: Youtube

Whoever did the wiring deserves a raise because the headlights looked amazing too. The PVC pipe notwithstanding, this was a pretty cool-looking car. Now the cardboard cutouts make even more sense considering how accurate and close to scale everything turned out to be.


Nothing Is a Gimmick

It looks like this construction is full of surprises. Aside from the lights working, the boot is also functional and has more than enough space to fit some luggage! This is another level of detail that we cannot ignore.

Source: Youtube

Anyone with something negative to say about this model will probably need to assess their stance after this. This creation was not a quick hack, but a detailed process with everything thought out. It was more than a passion project.


Getting to the Final Touches

Once the whole car was covered in shipping tape, the designers assessed every inch of the vehicle just in case something was amiss. Once confident everything was okay, they placed an even layer of gold foil over the tape.

Source: Youtube

This was a pretty good call because the tape wasn’t exactly appealing. Additionally, the elements are not exactly friendly with gum and tape, so this decision was a double-edged sword covering both form and function. Nonetheless, the process began sooner than later, and here is the first look.


Running Regular Updates for the Fans

As soon as the gold-covered one side of the car, our hearty mechanics gave us a mini update, which was pretty impressive. So, finally, the machine looks less like a rush job and more like a classy experience.

Source: Youtube

With every step, the car was coming to life and looking better and better. Suppose you go back to the picture of the chassis; it isn’t easy to imagine this is the same car. We can’t stop marveling at how the wheels look now!


No More Gas for You

In a cheeky moment, the car owner took the machine to the gas station, and we can only imagine the shock the gas attendant must have been through. How many Porsches have you seen that have no gas inlet and run on pure human will and muscle?

Source: Youtube

Now that we think about it, this decent idea allows you to exercise while looking great. In addition, it’s one of those conversation starters that will get you regularly stopped on the road.


No More Car Trouble

Any motorist knows that mechanical failure is inevitable. You should always be prepared to deal with a flat tire or engine failure at some point in your cruise. However, unlike other cars that might need you to enlist the help of a mechanic, this car is as simple as they come.

Source: Youtube

Changing a flat is as easy as pie, and if you’re running out of gas, you just need to pause by the roadside and catch your breath. How fun is that?


The Perfect Ode to Porsche

It’s evident that this car is a public spectacle, and people can’t help but stare anywhere it moves. The man did such a fantastic job it’s nigh impossible to differentiate this masterpiece from the Porsche 911.

Source: Youtube

Okay, we are exaggerating the situation a bit, but considering the tools and material used, this car is a sight to behold. This is creativity and industriousness beyond measure, and we must appreciate and applaud the creator’s work. Hopefully, he takes orders, and we can send in a request for a Bugatti.
